24 January 2011

the Gypsy

I don't like staying in one place. The thought of living somewhere — one single place— for my whole life appalls me. I need to travel.
dress: 1800s slip, found at a thrift shop (check out the epic corset-awaiting waist... teeny tiny!)
shawl/scarf: gift
belt: 1970s, made in Italy (unknown origin)
scarf/kerchief: found in basement
boots: Timberland
bangles: gift
bag: gift
{this was a very "found" outfit}

My mother travelled a lot when she was younger too. In college she says people called her the "gypsy in the Volvo" because she'd roam around to all sorts of places, like Italy and living with the Navajo people, herding sheep.

If I ever settle down, I want it to be in London or Paris or New York, or somewhere epic in the Irish countryside. But for now... I want to wander.

PS- I have an audition for our school drama club's spring play (we're doing Anouilh's Antigone) today. It is extremely competitive and usually only one freshman gets in. Eep. Wish me luck!


  1. That's a cute outfit, Olivia! I definitely looks 'gypsy' :) It looks SO cold outside! What was the temp. like when you were taking those pics??

    You know, I do agree with you on not wanting to spend your whole life living in one place! Right now I live in Bermuda, a small 21 sq. mile island off the coast of North Carolina, and I can't imagine spending my whole life here! As soon as I'm old enough, I plan to move to somewhere in the U.S or England...

    Have a blessed day!


    {I think I might be leaving the first comment! It posted on my blog this morning, and when I refreshed my dashboard I saw that you had posted 6 seconds ago, lol !}

  2. me too! I've lived in the Netherlands, England, and this summer, the Middle East. While we lived in Europe, we traveled everywhere, and I've missed that so much. I'm so much looking forward to a possible trip to France this summer....fingers crossed it will work out!

  3. Beautiful outfit! And break a leg at your auditions! :D

  4. Moving around is fun, but tiring. I think because the gypsies had so little it was easy!

  5. Oh my goodness! I feel exactly the same way - travelling always gives me a nonstalgic feeling, and I am *always* itching to travel.
    Gypsy in the Volvo - hehe. :)


  6. Great pictures! Good luck on the audition!

  7. Beautiful look, Olivia! love the first picture :)
    good luck for your audition!


  8. Hey! That's the scarf I gave you for your birthday! Very gypsy-like. I believe it came from a place called 'Fresh Produce' in Portland.

  9. Beautiful outfit! Before checking my dashboard I was just dreaming about travelling... London is utterly magnificent and I'd love to really get to know it better than I can on a daytrip, which is why I like to set down roots.

  10. Gorgeous! As always. :)
    Love, Makay

  11. Can I just say that I love love love this outfit! Great pics!
    PS Good luck on your auditions!


  12. I love those pictures!

    Good luck with your audition. :)

  13. Love the pictures! You look so pretty! I like to move around, too!

  14. Olivia,
    I am just like you.. I want to travel and see different places.. I <3 seeing now culture and Ritchuals (sp?).. oh and I <3 the outfit... awsome!

  15. Love the outfit. And you'd like to live "somewhere epic in the Irish countryside"? Me too! Or maybe Scotland...

  16. I love that outfit! It's so gorgeous and the snow adds the perfect touch. :) And I completely agree with the travel thing; I would love to take some time out before college to travel.


  17. I love love love the outfit! I too would love to travel the world! I want to go to England for the accents (I'm a huge lover of accents) and Ireland and Italy because I'm Italian/Irish/German. I'd also love to go to Germany because we had a German exchange student in 2010 who's now like my big sister and I would love to see her country. Alaska is definitely on the list too!
    Tessa Brooke

  18. Lovely outfit, Olivia. And I agree with what you said. Travelling around the world is something I'd love to do after college maybe. But first I must focus on my studies. :P

  19. *Awesome* outfit Olivia! I was just wondering if you set your camera on Self-timer and then snap the pictures, or if you have someone else take it for you.???? self-timer or not, i <3 these pix!

  20. Irish Countryside? Epic? Maybe a it is a little bit, but there will be a heck of a load of rain to get used to if you ever do. Yes. A lot of rain.

    That's all we ever get. Whether you're up the top of the country or at the bottom, it's always raining. The weather here has been so horrible lately.

    Hm. I never thought I'd be going on about our weather on someone's blog. Oh well.


  21. Those photographs are gorgeous! Really gorgeous! ♥

  22. Oh my goodness this is absolutely beautiful especially the first and last- soo gorgeous! :) xx


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