this is my "it-is-way-too-cold-to-be-wearing-sleeveless-tops" face. |
Winter, please die.
I've reached the point in February where I make the 24-hour switch between "
snow is wonderful, let's make snowmen!" and "
mellllllllltttttt you idiot snowbanks!" Literally, yesterday I was complaining how we hadn't gotten much snow recently. Now I laugh cruelly as it melts.
Die, snow. Die.
bwahaha! die, snow, die! bwahaha. |
the chickens are (after all this time) at last okay with the snow... |
still chilly, though, and a nice wood stove fire is always nice. |
yeah. i was a little hopeful with this outfit. i was FREEZING.
shirt: PacSun ($2.50!) // vest: BCBG // jeans: Delia's //
moccasins: American Eagle // hat: some old fisherman in Ireland |
I agree--snow's fun at the beginning, but later on it's just repetitive, cold, and dull. :P
ReplyDeleteOoh, yes, I can't wait for spring! It's in the 50's here, with no snow--loveliness. :)
ReplyDeleteWow, you're gonna hate me for this but... right now, where I live, in Florida, it's 70-80 Degrees. It's beautiful, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, the birds are chirping, and today I'm wearing shorts.
Lucky me!
It was in the 50's here in MD but Sunday the thermometer dipped way low and now it's freezing and we, once again, are covered in white fluffy stuff. Where are you spring?
ReplyDeleteCute OUtfit!!! OH,Yes, I can't wait for spring!! Hee it is in the 60's and no snow!!
I totally agree. I am so over winter. Especially since there is no snow here to have fun with--just rain. :P
ReplyDeleteI think this is my favorite outfit so far.
Love your outfit - the moccasins are adorable. And I'm right there with you about winter...it actually got up to 80 a few days ago, but now we're back to 30 degree temperatures...sigh.
ReplyDeleteYes - I am SO done with the snow. It's driving me insane. Not that we have much right now, we only had a dusting this morning, but it's supposed to snow lots more tomorrow. *glares at sky*
ReplyDeleteI'm loving the hat - so awesomely adorable!
Oh, great idea about the sweater with gray-ish jeans/pants. I hadn't actually thought of that. I wore it to church on Sunday with a vintage-y looking floral skirt and got a jillion complements on the sweater. <3 I can tell I'm going to be wearing it a lot. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog as well!!
Love the outfit! Luckily, it's been warmer off and on here - Sunday, I wore a sleevless top without a jacket! I'm getting tired of winter myself... meh.
ReplyDeleteP.S. what about the video you promised us the other day?
P.P.S. This is an off-the-wall question, but how well does your children's book generally sell?
--Love MCat
Oh,I love it! I'm sick of winter too!
ReplyDeleteI looooooove your hat, totally awesome!
You are so good at modeling you def. have a gift at doing it that goes for your fashion sense too! lol,any time I try to model something my espressions look like I'm trying way to hard!
Hey,that is a post idea,you could do 'modeling tips' post! :)
Oh, me too, Olivia, me too. [And it's not even that cold here.] I love the "die, snow, die!" XD
I too am ready for it to be over! In fact I wore shorts today...despite the 30 degree weather...though I put on pants as soon as leaving the house came up!
ReplyDeleteI love vest so much!! I feel the exact same way about winter (yeah, a few days ago I was willing the world to be submerged in a white snowy blanket, and now I can't stand the thought of snow!)
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of the chickens! They're yours? My mom really wants to get some but we live in a city, so that's a no go :(
-charlotte :)
The weather here seems determined to punish us...for a few days it was sunny and nice, and the snow started melting--but then it snowed and went back to it's dreary self.
ReplyDeletePoor you, I'm here in my hot/warm FL weather; Winter ended WAY to fast for me!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! I am so ready for Spring to get here. I am tired of this icky, cold, dead weather. I am ready to see flowers blossoming, leaves come back on the trees/bushes, and to see the world in technicolor again! :)
ReplyDeleteI know! I love snow- but I hate cold. I think it would be cool if there was warm snow. Wow love your outfit! YOU DID IT!! Combining fashion and photography!!! Lol! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteYou are really really pretty! I love the outfit!
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, I totally agree with you. Because we had some awesome weather here and now it's going cold again. It makes me sad.
I love the outfit! As always, it's adorable. I can totally understand why you were freezing, I would be too :) If you don't wan the snow, feel free to send it to me, it's already in the 80's down here in Texas. Lol, great post :))
ReplyDelete-Jocee <3
I am so with ya, though it is pretty. I needs to go bye, bye.
ReplyDeleteNICE photos Love your hat :D
ReplyDeleteI understand you wanting spring and hotness! Winter is my least favourite season! But it's not even winter here, but summer! (yes!) I'm loving it, but also looking forward to autumn. (fall)
ReplyDeleteLOVE the outift you're wearing! That is just right for the temperature here for some days we've been having. (it's way too cold for summer if you ask me!)
We've got ceaseless drizzle here--haven't had any snow. At least, not any worthwhile snow, just a dusting. It's 50 today, and supposed to get up to 57 tomorrow. Fingers crossed for signs of spring soon!
ReplyDeleteEven though it never snows where I am, I can understand why you want winter to end. I seriously can't wait for the spring/summer! I'm sooooo tired of the cold/rainy weather. :D
ReplyDeleteYou're outfit is so cute, casual, and it looks comfortable too. I'm loving it :)
I've been faithfully voting every day that I can remember for your photo in the I Heart Design photography contest and you're definitely going to get the highest amount of votes, I'm very sure!
Hope you're having a great day, Olivia!
Urgh, I one hundred percent in with you on this one, dear. Snow + cold winter weather are exciting at first - "now I can finally make use of those snow boots in my closet!" and "hey, let's build a snowman!" - but after a month or so the whole world seems tinged with a dreary shade of gray. Here in England we've had countless rain showers in the past few days... Here's hoping for spring to show up soon!
ReplyDeleteVickii, xx
It was in the 60's a week ago, now we got dumped with a foot of snow! Spring can't come fast enough. I went from: Yay snow is on the day! to: WHERE IS SPRING?!?
ReplyDeleteUggh, I know. I can't wait to feel the warm sun on my bare shoulders, have home-grilled hamburgers, pretty blossoms on the trees, and swimming at the pool!
ReplyDeleteHey, this is totally off-topic, but I'll think you'll like this: (mustaches!) http://tinyurl.com/4kqogph
The entire outfit is cute and casual. I love your vest! :)
ReplyDeleteYES! Where I live, it is about 60 degrees every day - I can smell you, spring, please, come my way! :D
Yes I know exactly what you mean! It was so cold for forever and I was done with coldness. The last week has been delightfully warm though. Warm enough for me to throw on my shorts and a t-shirt for PE! I hope your snow melts soon for your sake!
Tessa Brooke