09 March 2011

"pity nobody will see you"

dress: American Eagle // tights: unknown, but I love the nylon/fishnet combo // boots: Timberland //
sweater: Abercrombie // hat: unknown // socks: Target // necklaces: Barberry and Lace and vintage
"Pity nobody will see you, because it's such an adorable dress you've got on." -school nurse
I agree. I was all excited because, since I don't have gym class today and therefore do not have to go swimming (don't get me wrong, I love swimming. I just don't like what it does to my hair and makeup), I could get myself dressed like I normally do instead of tactfully layering for maximum shedding ease.

See how awesome? They look like nude fishnets... but they're solid...

And then... it hit me.

Sore throat. Headache. Dizzy. Et cetera, et cetera. Sick.

The school nurse who sent me home commented on my dress and suggested I go walk around a bit to show it off before I went home (I declined and lay down to browse Polish fashion blogs instead).
Now I'm wearing this. Please note the sarcasm of "attractive." Please do *not* note huge bags under eyes. Thank you.

PS: I really need more florals. Everything I own is either solid or striped or spotted. I love florals. Why do I not have any? Some Liberty of London would be good.
So much melodrama. 
(feel free to use, just link back here if you do!)
I think I'll go to sleep now.


PS: Will you guys never forgive me if I say I'm considering becoming a mostly fashion blogger? 

currently listening to: You Know What You Are — Lincolnville


  1. Hey!! How do you get the link (when u hover over it) to get is bold?

  2. aw, so sorry to hear you're sick! sending get well wishes your way. :)

  3. you looked so cute! feel better soon!

  4. I love that dress! But I'd have to wear it with solid tights since it's a bit short.

    I agree... florals are great! You should get some and show us. :)


  5. I'm sorry you're sick. I wasn't feeling too well last week. Hope you feel better soon! And I love that dress. :)


  6. Aye, I am sorry you're sick! Not fun. Dizzy + headache + sore throat = Bleeeh. Feel better soon! :)

  7. So sorry you're sick...I hope you feel better soon! And I don't look nearly as good as you do when I'm sick. I look like an absolute mess...shudder ;)

  8. Aw, feel better! I'd forgive you lil' fashionista!

  9. Awww!! Don't be sick! You'll get better. I can absolutely guarantee that. Of course I forgive you!! I ADORE your fashion posts. You're too pretty, even if you are sick :))
    -Jocee <3

  10. ahh, i hope you feel better!! ♥


  11. How do you keep yourself that gorgeous when your sick? *jealous face* ;)

    I love your fashion posts! Keep 'em comin!


  12. Aw, sorry you're sick! I think you're too hard on yourself, girl! I'm sick right now and I look like a train wreck! (Not to mention I have a high school admissions interview tomorrow and I have laryngitis.) You seem to apologize for bad lighting and bad cameras and the way you look a lot but you and your pictures are both really pretty! :)

  13. Getter better soon! I would like the dress if it were longer, or if I wore dark colored tights, like gray tights, underneath! Adorable!!!!
    oh and yes, would lOVElOVElOVE it if you became a MOSTLY FASHION BLOGGER!!! i am obsessedobsessed with fashion! :)

  14. oh no! feel better! Im seriously laughing about what your nurse said...And ps totally not fair that you can still look that fab while sick?! I havent left my house for 2 days bc ive been feeling so yucky, and I do NOT look as good as you do missy!

  15. Get better soon! Being sick is awful! It's not even that much of a relief when you get to watch TV (well, not for me).

    Oh, a random good tip for a sore throat is put some cayenne pepper in some hot water then stir it up and gargle with it. Make sure you have a piece of bread handy to bite into if you do it. It doesn't really cure anything, but it makes it feel better for a while. Also eat toast with honey... yum.

    You don't have to use these, but the cayenne pepper has really helped me before :)

  16. aww... get well soon! I agree with Ashley.... how do you look fab when your sicky!? haha, loved the dress, super cute!

  17. Awww! Hope you are feeling better soon dear.

    ~Briony Katie~

  18. Feeling better soon!!! Being sick is NOT cool. At all. :(

    Haha, very funny. But that outfit IS adorable. Cuteness!

  19. Sorry you're sick, Olivia! Hope ya feel better!
    And as for that picture, I didn't even know you were sick until I thoroughly read the post! Don't take that wrongly...you do NOT EVER look sick. THAT's what I mean. ;) You look a ton better than I would!
    About that fashion blogger bit...I reeaally like the fashion posts at the same rate they're coming now. While I highly enjoy the outfit posts, I mostly come to your blog for photography & lovely writing. So...yeah.

    Get better!

  20. OH, I do hope you feel better!
    I recently found your blog, and I L O V E it. It's sooo nice. And I love the fact that you post often!
    Get well soon --
    Your friend {in Europe}


  21. No!!!!! I won't forgive you if you become a mostly fashion blogger!!!!!
    Do keep on with the mix of online journal, fashion, photography, and everything else you've been posting on here! It's a great combination, so i don't have to read 100 different blogs to find one on fashion, another on photography, etc.
    Point made, I love your blog as it is!

  22. No! I agree with Simi! I love your perfect mix of fashion, photography, etc!
    I know how you feel. I woke up today with virtually no sleep from 3 to 7, a sore throat, and feeling very hot. I didn't go to school so I read all day instead. It works I guess.
    I hope you get better!
    Love, Tessa Brooke

  23. It's your blog so do what makes you happy. I'll still visit regardless. Your outfits are very stylish and maybe I can learn something since I'm a fashion fail. :)

    I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is awful.


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