20 April 2013

more baby chickens

I can't help myself, they're too cute to not take a thousand pictures of. I think that this batch will be named after all the female Harry Potter characters... so what do you think for the latter three? The one in the first photos I have named Luna, and she's an absolute sweetheart. She'll sit on my shoulder nestled under my hair for ages without making a sound, and loves riding around the house on my head. (I've surpassed Crazy Cat Lady and made it to Crazy Chicken Lady what now?!) But Puffy Cheeks, Brown Chick, and Boob Chick are still nameless... help a Muggle out, fellow Potterheads.

me being mooned I guess

Puffy Cheeks with Ginger Chicken in the background (I'm feeling Ginny for Ginger Chicken)

Brown Chick is studious. Hermione?

A bird in the boobs is worth two in the hand... Boob Chick prefers to ride in the warmest place she can find.
So. Luna's a definite... what's y'all's vote on Puffy Cheeks, Ginny (?), Hermione (?), and Boob Chick?
Oh, they're all female.
Bagawk brrrk brrk bawk.


  1. They're so cute! I love the Harry Potter names for them. I remember in my senior kindergarten class we had baby chicks, it was awesome! Your photos are amazing!

  2. I like Luna, and Ginny's a cute name! Please not Boob Chick?!?!?! :/

    My mom is actually thinking of getting us some chickens so we can be eating MUCH healthier meat! It'll be sad when we get chicks, but that's just life I guess. :)


  3. Must be fun to have pet chicks running around :D

  4. Aw, so cute! I just noticed that you were back while going through my google followers list in an attempt to switch everything to bloglovin...yay! :)


    Definitely keep Ginny and Hermione, and then I'd go Parvati for puffy cheeks and Tonks for boob chick since she's so colorful.

  6. They are so cute! And I love Ginny and Hermione!


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