27 September 2010

Portraits at the Fair

My family and I went to a local fair yesterday. It's all about sustainable living — eating local, alternate transportation,  organic stuff, etcetera.

Naturally, I brought my camera.

I decided to take portrait shots of every animal I saw in the showrooms... plus some inanimate objects as well.

Look out, lots of pictures to come...

Hello horse!
what an adorable little showman!
lovely dove
willa, my siamese cat, totally looks like this sable point rabbit!
very hungry and insistent goats...
this goose had AMAZING blue eyes...
this odd creature is called a 'guinea'...
so much personality for such a little hen...
mom and dad :)
this little hen was very insistent: she WANTED TREATS and she WANTED THEM NOW.
these quail eggs were no bigger than a nickel!
very interesting comb, Monsieur Rooster.
this is a miniature sheep. pulling a cart. following its owner's voice.
i think my head just exploded from the cuteness of it all.
so many people!
huge squash-type-things... i think we may have these in my mom's garden...
spinning some yarn.
hello, bagpipe dudes.
dirty sheep... adorable sheep... photogenic sheep.
love this picture! a warty pumpkin poses.
this yarn is from the spinners shown in the photo 4 above this one.

I had a lovely time! My mom and I were asked to do a presentation on raising backyard chickens, and I felt very knowledgeable answering everyone's questions. :) {We do that every year. We're even on the schedule of events.}

Love to all!


  1. Oh, lovely photos, Olive Tree! That goat pulling the cart is just too stinkin' cute;) Looks like so much fun!

  2. Awesome pictures, as usual. You are so talented.

  3. Love the pictures! The comment you made about how you cat looks like that rabbit made me crack up; I do, however, have to admit I see a resemblance!

  4. Those are great pics, Olive Tree! Ya know, I really wish I could take pictures like you. You always have such spectacular photos. :) By the way, how do you do the watermark thingy?

    -Becca c(-8 (from chocolate-n-puppies@blogspot.com) .... (just in case you wanted to track me) :D

  5. Sounds like your Sunday was MUCH more enjoyable than mine (which ended up with a trip to the ER and a splint on my left leg). Beautiful pictures! I love the first horse photo, it offers a VERY different perpective...

  6. Bagpipes rock! I love the pictures of the chickens. =)

  7. Awesome photos!
    I just found your blog when I was searching through Tumblr, a microblogging site and someone had a link posted to your site. You're an incredible photographer! Hope you don't think I'm creepy, lol.

  8. Awesome pictures!

    (The first one made me laugh so hard I snorted water up my nose)

  9. omg that miniature sheep is sooo cute!

  10. Aww, what great pictures! I especially like the one of the rooster--he looks like he is wearing a white piece of mozzerella cheese as an earring. So cute.

    In Christ,

  11. Great pictures, Olive Tree! The color in all of them is brilliant. Love 'em! :)

    Elizabeth Rose

  12. these pictures are so so beautiful! glad i found your blog.

  13. Hi Olive Tree! This moring I went to type Robin Blogs in the adress bar, but I accidently typed the wrong adress (the one to the old Robin Blogs) and it let me visit that! It also let me visit the old HorseFeathers. Did you restore them? And How?

  14. Were you just there on sunday? I was there Friday, and walking past the poultry barn I said to my sis "I bet there are some people from BYC in there!" Haha. If I waited 2 days. ;)

  15. That goose eye is soooo incredibly awesome! And that first sheep picture! And I just love them all! Great pictures! Glad you had fun. :)


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