17 November 2010

Photos from the Sunshine State

I was home sick today and drafted this post for you guys. Lucky me...

These photos are actually a matter of pride. Most of them are SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) and thus have no editing. I think they turned out great.

View from the plane window. We were lucky and got to fly First Class for cheap!
Arbitrary self-portrait on plane that turned out lovely.
Almost at the airport, flying low over Tampa.
We stayed for a few nights with my great-grandparents in Homasassa Springs. This is from their backyard... sunrise.
This little guy was on the window pane. I love the blue around his eye.

Then we went to a National Park beach. It took us maybe 3-4 hours to walk to the end and back. But the birds... oh, they were AMAZING!
BEAUTIFUL beach. Nothing like the stone-and-seaweed beaches we have up here!
Aww. Pelicans. I love those guys, they're so awkward when they land.
This funny-looking fellow is called an oystercatcher, I think.
*Loved* this egret. So adorable.
I wouldn't want him mad at me, though. That beak looks lethal.
Cutest. Thing. EVER.

And the shells we found were marvelous.
Purchase on Etsy here!
Some had tenants!

It was a lovely trip — so warm and sunny! It's grey November back North... *sigh*

Tomorrow night is opening night for our play! Things have been hectic but I hope for the best.

P S -   P i e   c o m i n g   s o o n !  ;)


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. *faints* I've been to Florida only once, and not even to the beaches at that. :(. AMAZING photographs, Olive Tree! And don't worry; they do NOT need editing. :)

    Mmm, pie...


    Swirly xx

  2. Gorgeous pictures Olive Tree! The one with the egret running from the wave is my favorite. :)

  3. Ohmigosh the most beautiful photos ever! I've been dying to go to a beach myself. I wanted to go down to one for my birthday, just my family and I, but it never happened. Glad you had fun!

    Can't wait for the pie! ;)

  4. These are so gorgeous! I really need to get a longer zoom lens...so pretty.

  5. Lovely photos, as always! The SOOC ones amaze me--you truly have talent. :)

  6. Those are gorgeous photos of Florida!

  7. Neat photos! They're all very gorgeous! Good job! :)

  8. lovely photos as always Olive!


  9. Hey- if you sold prints of that last crab picture, I might buy it!

  10. That lizard is just like one at my sister's house! I caught it once (I'm the lizard-catcher in the family ^_^) and my 3-year-old nephew LOVED it. ^_^
    ~ Ëarwen

  11. Yum...can't wait for pie!

    Those are incredible pictures! You really have a talent for that.

  12. I think the egret is my favorite :)

  13. Those are great pictures, Olivia! Especially the self portrait - i really like it!

    Hope you have a great time in Florida!


  14. Olivia great pictures. i love them.

  15. Fantastic pictures!!! You're making me want to go back to Florida again! There weren't nearly that many birds when we went. I hope we can go further south next time to check out some of the bigger parks. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I'll have to come back and look at these mid winter when I'm dying for some sunshine hehe.


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