15 March 2011

punk rock barbie doll.

"Come on, it would be adorable. You'd look like a punk-rock Barbie doll."  - Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender
And this would be as far "goth" as I allow myself. Look at all that black...

skirt: United Colors of Benetton // shirt: Juicy Couture // tights: unknown // boots: Upper West Side // bracelets: various // necklace: my cat's old ID tag

The skirt I found for $2.50 at Goodwill — a bigger score has never existed — and the shirt was passed down from my godmother.

Thanks again to my dad for photos. I think he needs to be assigned my designated photographer.


listening to: Ignorance - Paramore
+ the Trololo song (I just downloaded the app on iTunes. this is getting ridiculous)


  1. Your Dad is a better photographer then mine is! lol

    Cat ID tags is a way awesome idea! NOW i know what to do with that 2 tags I have...

  2. I like the ID tag idea, I had never thought of that!


  3. Cuteness. That pink really pops with the black.

  4. Dads are awesome.

    Smile a bit, girl! ;)

  5. Really cool! I need some more skirts and dresses (along with leg wear that doesn't include pants of any kind).
    I dug up this really pretty short skirt in my dresser and pared it with a waste belt and tank top and it turned out fantastic. My friend gave me this long black skirt that I can pull up to my ribs and add a belt and wear this red ruffled shirt with that also looks really cool. When I do that it becomes a knee-high dress.

    Fashion makes the world go round! I wish I had more money for that stuff. I'm going to start asking for more skirts and dresses for the holidays.

  6. You're gorgeous as always!! I think your "goth" is adorable. The pink is GREAT with the black like Nana said.
    -Jocee <3

  7. Kendra: At 6:45 in the morning? And with the time change, feeling like it's 5:25? It was all I could to do not drool, lol, let alone smile... there were a few smile pics but they were more grimaces than smiles...

  8. Love the outfit! And look, you're only ONE FOLLOWER away from having 500! Hurrah! :)

  9. You are doing a lot of fashion posts then usual.
    Maybe more about your life?
    You are really pretty.

  10. Haha, I understand! I was joking. ;)

  11. Oh I love the pet ID tag idea! (storing that in my brain as inspiration) :)

  12. You've inspired me, when my animals die, I'll have something to remember them bye, they're tags! Your outfit is sooo cute!

  13. My Dad takes really good photos too!
    You look awesome in that outfit :)

  14. I love the hot pink skirt, too cute. Your dad takes really good pics.

  15. Look! *points excitedly at followers box* 500!
    --Love MCat

  16. Ha! This made me think of my favourite song by Care Bears On Fire {an all girl punk band} : Barbie eat a sandwich...
    I love that skirt! It's so coolio :)

  17. I wear black a lot but black dresses with bows, black cashmere cardigans, soft black stuff.
    Have you seen the ad. campaign for Benetton {it's first that comes up on Google Images}? They're kind of scary but as you're very into photography, you might find them interesting.

  18. Squee, 500 followers?! Squee! XOXO to Live Brathovde, #500... y'all keep watch for a little happy dance next post, mk?

  19. super cute!!! lol!!

    Quick Q:
    where do you live?! I just noticed that in your photos there's still snow on the ground :O

    (not like that's a bad thing!! lol!! Jussayin :P)

  20. Nahla, I live in Maine... which means that today it was cold rain all day. The snow is slowly melting, thank God.

  21. Even with the punk, goth look, you still look beautiful! :)

  22. You look awesome in that outfit. That hot pink skirt is adorable.
    Your legs look so freakin' long in these photos! Wish I was as tall as you.. :)

  23. yep, i love the skirt. and the cat ID necklace. and the photos. love it all! :D

  24. Cute outfit, but I agree goth isn't your thing lol. Black makes you look too pale. I love the skirt over the black tights though. I really like high contrast outfits (not sure if that's a good thing, remember I know nothing about fashion lol). Congrats on 500 followers!


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