17 March 2011

question: how lucky am I?

Answer #1: Very lucky. Very lucky indeed to have all you wonderful people following. Because yes, 'tis true that yesterday we hit the big 5-0-0. Reaction? (Taken with my webcam during a study hall in school, so badddd quality but epic excitedness.)
^^^kinda hurts your head after a while, doesn't it?^^^
Shout-out to my #500 follower, live brathovde. I'm still getting the prizes for the party together, so give me a week or so and we'll have us a good old giveaway.

Answer #2: Unlucky to the max. I've been getting theses awful headaches — so bad I had to miss class and go to sleep in the nurses's office yesterday — so I went to the doctor yesterday thinking it was migraines or something... Nope, looks like it's a virus that only causes really bad headaches. He told me no physical activity until it goes away, but my gym teacher *ahem* told me I have to make up all the classes I miss. Unfun, especially since next week is the final week before the play's opening night. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Answer #3: I am totally lucky that I was awarded Best Photographer in the I Heart Design 2011 awards. Thank you to everyone who voted for me, I never could have done it without you!

Answer #4: I have a mixed bag of luck because it is beautiful and warm (the fifties! ohmygoodness the fifties!)... but I was stuck in school until sunset and only got to enjoy a few moments of it. Sigh.

listening to: Lose Yourself  by Eminem


  1. The FIFTIES?! It was around 68 F here in Virginia. Oh yeah, be jealous lol.

  2. Congratulations on 500 followers!!!


  3. Congratulations! Love your little animation. I do those all the time.

    Ah, the good ol' fifties. It's around 70 here though.

  4. Wow!!! This is absolute craziness..... but my younger sister who is 11 yrs. old, was getting majorly bad headaches, too! So bad that when she would get them, they seemed to like "paralyze" her for a few moments, then she would go and lie down and after awhile, she would seem to be okay again!!!! Fortunatley, my siblings and I are homeschooled, so she didn't have to go thru the headaches at an actual school!!! Ick.
    Well, hope they go away soon for you!!!! Oh and congrats on 500 followers.... I'm one of 'em. :)

  5. Congrats on:
    500 hundred followers (how awesome is that?) and winning the I Heart Design photography contest!

  6. Cool gif! And congrats on being awarded Best Photographer and on getting 500 followers! :) Hope the migraines go away, I'll pray for you!

  7. I hope you start to feel better soon. Congrats for the 500 followers. How long have you had your blog for?

  8. Hey, even though you have headackes, count your blessings, girlie! Congrats on winning! Also, this may or may not help, but when I have headackes, I drink ALOT of water, and it really helps. :)


  9. Congrats on 500! Sweeetttt!
    Your GIF made me laugh - how fabulous. And congrats on winning the photo contest!
    Feel better soon, k? I had headaches for months straight after a spinal tap - they are no fun at all...

  10. Congratulations! I'm so glad you won! That photo you took was simply lovely.

  11. 50's? yeah, you need come out to NC and enjoy the warm 80's we're having today. yes...

  12. Congrats on getting 500 followers! :) And on winning the photography contest. I knew you could do it.

    I have headaches a ton too. You might want to get your eyes checked or have something done. We just figured out there was something wrong with my neck & that's why I was having all the problems. But you should always drink tons of water! :) I hope it goes away soon.

  13. Congrats on 500! I hope you feel better soon! And congratulations on winning the photography contest {I knew you would!!}

  14. That's great(not the headaches)!! I'm going to the doctor soon, because I might have a fractured leg. But 500 followers!? Not long ago it was, like, 200. You are a really amazing blogger. BTW, you're lucky cuz where I am it's in the 80's.

  15. YAY..Congratulations on hitting your 500!!! I'm your 501!! *wink*


  16. Congratulations on both winning the contest and getting 500 followers! Something must be wrong with my computer because I thought I was the 500th follower, but whoever it was, that's an amazing accomplishment! Your blog is so beautiful. :)


  17. You sure are one lucky girl. Congrats for getting 5oo followers and winning the Best Photographer award! :)

  18. I get migraines, which are AWFUL. Also, why are there Seacoast stickers behind you? I don't like Seacoast...

  19. You'll survive the awful Seacoast stickers, Lucy. ;)

  20. Congrats on five hundred! Sorry about the headaches. I get really bad migraine type sinus headaches fairly regularly (almost everyday during spring and fall) so I feel your pain, literally. I hope you're feeling better. Good luck with the play!


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