01 April 2011

Announcing... Liquid Sunshine - Giveaway & Blog Party!


Well, this is just too exciting! The much-anticipated 500 Followers giveaway and blog party is beginning tomorrow at 6 AM EST. The only requirements for entering is that you must be a follower of HorseFeathers and you must fill out the Q&A (posted tomorrow), then link to your post/twitter/whatever you posted it on using the Linky List (also posted tomorrow).

The prizes total over $300. Um, yeah. Over $300, and there will be no less than TEN winners.

Because I am telepathic and know what you guys are thinking:
Ten amazing people decided to donate $300 worth of prizes to our giveaway.
Thank you, amazing people!

Wanna see who they are?

$35 value — Four Little Whimsies by whimsywhimsical (remember her from this post?)

$40 value — mixed goodie bag of vintage delights from ChicOrigins — a vintage cream pitcher + bowl, vintage accessory box, vintage handkerchief, vintage key necklace (!!!), and a 1960s set of 5 cards... how lucky are WE?

$25 value — the Cherry Blossoms print from one of my favorite Etsy artists, joojoo — me want. Me want bad.

$20 gift certificate from SweetPeaAndFay — they sent me the beautiful cosmetics featured yesterday so I can vouch for how incredibly amazing everything is! Not even kidding, today I'm wearing a shade called "Super Duper" which truly is super duper. And it's all-natural.

$20 gift certificate from BeSomethingNew — everything is so floaty and feminine and gorgeous... I think I'm going to die.

$15 gift certificate from sparklegarden PLUS 20% off for everyone using the coupon code "OFHORSEFEATHERS20" if you decide you can't wait to win! ;)

$21 value — vintage leather patchwork brown purse from olivegreenanna

$20 gift certificate from AshleyPahl — seriously beautiful paper here, guys. I'm lusting over this card especially.

$20 gift certificate from karalite — vintage clothes ohmigoodness I am in love... look at this totally 80s Danish jacket!

And Noor has donated the "Sweet Lil Package"  ($35 value) for a nice blog design!

ALTOGETHER that equals $310 in prizes... wow!
Thanks, everyone who donated!


The giveaway/blog party is called "Liquid Sunshine" because of how April showers are supposed to herald in the spring. Plus I really, really like the letter Q.

Ready to start planning your answers? Here's the questions... and don't forget to enter all through next week! A new post will go up with the Linky (be sure to blog-hop!) and the ten winners will be randomly chosen from the Linky entries.

 You can answer all of these or just a few... it's your choice. :)
  • Favorite season, and why?
  • How would you describe your personal style?
  • What's one weird thing you can do? (The stranger the better!)
  • Rain or shine?
  • Confession time... what's a flaw of yours?
  • Favorite music?
  • Have you ever made a decision you instantly regretted? What was it?
  • Who do you admire/look up to?
  • You've just won an unlimited lifetime supply of... what?
  • If you were an animal, what would you be?
  • If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do with your time?
  • You're now a gazillionaire... where do you go to spend your money?
  • Classical music: love it or hate it?
  • Phobias?
  • Hop on a plane and go live somewhere for a year... where is it, and why?
  • Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
  • Would you/do you perform on stage?

Okay everyone! The party post goes up tomorrow... *squee*


PS: Today is my dad's birthday... no joke... every birthday we give him some awful gift then say "April Fool's" and hand him the real one. Poor guy. :P


  1. Yay--how exciting! And today is my friend's birthday, and no-one ever believes her. Seriously, it would be a pretty long-running April Fool's, thirteen years of a pretend birthday...

  2. Oh goodness, I can't WAIT! Everybody knows how fun blog parties are and yes - I am most certainly one of those people. The questions look fun too! ^_^

  3. If I can do the strangest thing...do I win a prize? Because I can truthfully use my arms like a jump rope because I'm double jointed in my shoulders. (and that's no April Fool's Day joke)

    And I'm a bit confused...are the questions supposed to be answered as a tag on our blog, answered seperately in the comments, or answered all together in the comments?

    Can't wait for tomorrow. And I'm loving April


  4. Yay! I'll be sure to enter:)
    Haha, it's my best friend's birthday today too and we always give her a fake gift too:)

  5. Maggie: Nope, it has nothing to do with your answers... they're just for fun. :)

    And yes, DEFINITELY on your blog!

  6. It's my Uncle's birthday too! Seriously. ;) The party sounds fun.

  7. Hi Olivia,
    One question: are prizes shipped internationally? Cheers girly-o.

  8. I LOVE that key necklace. I saw an Irish girl wearing one and I have wanted one since.

  9. so now i know 3 ppl whose birthday is on April Fools. i feel special. ;)

  10. The party looks like fun! I'm gonna enter! :)

  11. Olivia: I don't really have a blog I can enter on... is there any other way I can enter the giveaway?

  12. Libby, do you have a tumblr or Facebook or MySpace? Any of those work too.

  13. Ah this is going to be great fun!
    I have a question: Are ten winners going to get every item listed or ten winners get one of the items listed? (all of which are absolutely AMAZING! i must win :)


  14. One prize for each of the ten winners. :)

  15. I'll be entering!
    Wow...That's a lot of prizes. So awesome of everyone to donate!
    I want to do a giveaway, but never had the chance too :(
    madalyn-elizabeth.blogspot.com will be where my entry is! :)

  16. How do I link up? Anyway, I entered at http://theourskids.blogspot.com/ And hey, could you comment on my blog if I win anything? Thanks!

  17. Oh I love this! I'll be sure to enter!

  18. I entered this is my blog: francescasphotography.blogspot.com

  19. http://amberlynnfoster.tumblr.com/ is my blog and I really had fun answering the questions!

  20. Had fun answering. =3


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