31 March 2011

adorable illusion

Is weather.com seriously telling me that tomorrow is going to be a snow day? Really? How is that possible? Some horrible April Fool's joke? That is not fair in the least bit. They're saying we won't have school tomorrow — say what? Guys, it's April. April showers bring May flowers. Rain. Not snow. No snow allowed.

tee: delia*s. // tights and shorts: unknown // shoes: (yup those shoes again) Target // plaid shirt: Abercrombie & Fitch // kitten: angry

^^^ so much more inspiring and less stalker-ish than Chictopia... sorry Chictopia...^^^

It just isn't fair. 10-15 inches of snow is just not fair.

Trying to force the weather into spring with neon yellow nails and the reclaiming of my "summer bracelet" collection — I wear them literally all summer, since long sleeves are gone.

The weather disagreed.

You might have noticed my crazy black eyeshadow... I didn't wear that to school, I was playing around with something amazing and it just kind of got layered on there. Because Sweet Pea and Fay sent me nine shadows, three lip glosses, and a tinted lip balm so I could model/photograph them and they could use the photos. I was psyched, it seriously made my day. My mother quickly claimed the tinted balm.

My eyes in the photos are a shade called "Chupacabra". How awesome is that? My eyelids are now Mexican goat-sucking vampire monsters. My life is complete.

And guess what? They're one of NINE (possibly ten!) sponsors for this weekend's giveaway! Because yes, it has been decided that this weekend will be the big old 500-Followers giveaway — are you excited yet? I am! Altogether they're donating about $300 worth of prizes! Surely that's worth an entry, lovely friends.

(that's where the title comes from btw)


  1. So cute! And you STILL have snow?! Where do you live? Because I'm guessing Antarctica or something...I love the cat, and alll the pictures :))
    -Jocee <3

  2. What a cute kitty! Love the outfit. The makeup looks very fun!

  3. Jocee, try Maine. Blah. Waiting to turn eighteen so I can move somewhere sunny!

  4. I love your nails! Very bright and awesome. :) And your cat is cute. ^_^


  5. i. love. makeup. I'm so pumped for your giveaway!

  6. dude. march hasn't been nice. at. all.
    just saying.

  7. It's been the same here in MI... Bleh. :/
    Love your make-up! :)

  8. I may sound crazy but I wish i lived where you did with all the snow. It snows maybe once a year here. *sigh*

  9. PS: I love your shoes! Adorable:)

  10. love love your outfit, and yeah about the snow, dang it. thats it. haha

  11. :( Aww. we don't have school tomorrow either, but that's because of spring break. yippee!

  12. Snow Snow, go away.

    I wish I could Fed-ex some of this warm (hot, actually) weather up to you in exchange for a bit of snow down here!

  13. I like your summer bracelet collection. I have similar ones like yours which I happen to be wearing right now. :)

  14. I love your cat, I love your shirt, and I WANT THOSE SHOES! And I can certainly sympathize about snow...they're predicting a ton for here too. Not cool. :P

  15. Olivia,
    your cat is cute. And I like your outfit. :)
    sorry, but where I live (Iowa) WE HAVE GRASS! and no snow. :)


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