27 July 2010

My Book is FINISHED!

Oh my goodness, I am SO excited! The fantasy novel I have been working on for about 3-4 years now (on and off) is finally finished. I typed the final words ("To Be Continued") at 12:49 PM on Tuesday the 27th of July, 2010. This is an incredibly historical moment for me! It is my first completed novel.

Final Stats:
Word count - 47,113 (not a lot, but good enough for me)
Pages - 179 (letter-sized)
Chapters - 16 (long ones)
Characters (no spaces) - 219,641
Paragraphs - 1,520

Goodness! And this book doesn't even have a real title yet (working title is "To Save Terria").

Now comes the scary stuff... Editing! I've been editing myself as I go along but it's going to freak me out to have other humans read my work. Gahhhh...

I'm hoping to get it sent out to 10 different publishers and/or agents by the end of August. Apparently books written for teens by teens are really hot right now, so I should have a lot of luck.

Anyway. Wish me luck in my writing adventures! I'm already planning a sequel... *giggles maniacally*

(Sorry for two posts in one day... I'm just SO excited!)

ETA: I should probably say that this is a book I have been WRITING. Not reading. I'd be an awful slow reader if it took me 4 years to read a 47,000 word book. :P

And yes, I do use Word for Mac. It's pretty good, and it was free on my laptop. :)


  1. That's fantastic, Olive Tree! :D

  2. Congrats, Olive Tree! :) Hope it gets published!

  3. when it gets published (not if, when!) I'm buying it and reading it all in one day ;D

  4. Congratulations, Olive Tree, that's great! What's the theme song for this?

  5. Congrats!! Super excited for you! :)

  6. Hannah: I'll be sure to share the news. :)

    Izzy: Um... I don't know... how about "Something Good Can Work" by Two Door Cinema Club? That's a happy/hopeful sort of song.

  7. OMGosh! Congrats Olive!! :D That is so awesome!!

  8. Wonderful Olive Tree! Congrats! I'll read it when it's published.


  9. I just found your blog and wanted to congratulate you on finishing your novel! I like writing young adult fiction, too, and lately I've been reading that there's a good market for teen fantasy novels... so you should be in good shape for getting published. Best of luck!

  10. Woo! Isn't that a great feeling? I just finished the 4th draft of my book - Torn Heart - last night :) Now my dad just has to read it and I'll be set to send it...somewhere.

  11. CONGRATULATIONS! This is so very extremely exciting. I am totally buying your book!
    ~Margaret Rowena

  12. Awesome!! Good luck with everything. :)

  13. Omigosh, that's amazing! Good luck.

  14. Congrats - I would love to read/buy it when it gets published!

  15. Oh my goodness! Thats fantastic! I've been writing a possible novel, that I'm really getting into. Its only 18 letter sized pages, but I started recently, so thats pretty good. I use Word for PC but the laptop I use is known to crash, so I should probably back up my story on Google Docs...
    But that is so cool that you've finished! And for editing it might become longer too.
    And I agree with Hannah. WHEN it is published I will buy it. :)


  16. Congrats, OT! You must let us know when it's published so we can attack the book stores for a copy:)

  17. EEEP! WOW! I am sooooooo excited for you that I am literally BOUNCING around the room. Pretty crazy friend you've got over here, huh? ;) Anyway, CONGRATS!

  18. Congratulations, Olive Tree! I am going to buy it when it comes out! That is really exciting! What is your book about?

  19. Wow!
    That is so cool!
    I've always start writing little stories, but I never finish them, and I could never ever publish them!!!
    But I'm so glad you are!
    I hope it *does* get published, and I will read it! :)


  20. Wow... congrats, Olive Tree!!! That's awesome! :D

  21. Congratulations! Good luck with publishing!

  22. Congrats on finishing your book, Olive!! I hope you get it published. :D

  23. *applause* I'm so happy for you! I know that feeling, both about finishing and about editing. Gulp. It's really not that bad having other people read your book, when you get used to it. I'd suggest a close friend as an editor.

  24. Whoo! Congrats! Have fun editing ;)

    I'm working on a book too, but it's nowhere NEAR done

  25. Yeah! Congratulations! :)

  26. I am working on a book as well!

    Wish me luck and pray for me!!!!!

    KatieRose ( I am accidentally signed in as someone else I was guest posting for.... AHHH)


  27. Congradulations! I will buy it if you get it published!

  28. Hello Olive Tree!
    I am actually writing a book called "To Save Terestria"


  29. That is so fantastic! Congrats!! I can't wait until it's published!


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