28 August 2010

Taylor Swift Amazingness!


By now I'm pretty sure you've heard that I was in Taylor Swift's new music video for Mine. (If you haven't already seen it, click here. I'm in the diner scenes, on the far left at the table of 4, with the curly brown hair. Eeek!)

That was pretty amazing in and of itself. I totally didn't expect to be invited to an exclusive concert/premiere of the video! It was amazing and all very top-secret. At the end, Taylor and her band preformed live! It was, in a word, incredible. You can watch the CMT program here. I'm somewhere near the front of the screaming crowd, LOL.

I don't have a lot of time — my family and I are leaving until Tuesday so I shan't be posting until then... and I'll have lots more photos for you, and some videos of her performance! (I'll edit this post so it has more pics etc later.) But here are a few of my favorite photos. (My mother and godmother also attended, so it was a very nice girl's night out. Toblerone included!

I was allowed 1 guest, so I brought my friend Sammy. For some reason everyone's eyes got really red... hmm...
Taylor looked stunning!
The night was beautiful.

Ugh, Toby co-star dude was SOOO obnoxious filming the video!
lovin' the sparkly guitar, Taylor! Seeing her preform live made
me want to spend epic amounts of money in iTunes on her songs... it's a totally
 different experience!


  1. Wow! Your so lucky to get invited. That was like a 1 time experience.

  2. Good for you Olive Tree! You made a great extra :D. I hope you had an amazing time. I love reading your blog, so keep it up!

    Alex @ charmingelephant.blogspot.com

  3. Wow, I can't believe that! Sooo special for ya! Taylor's beautiful and so are you. What was your favorite song that she sang?

  4. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the video!! I'll have to watch it again to look for you! I am so jealous you were in it!

    I have seen Taylor Swift in concert twice and she is incredible! Her concerts were probably my favorites I've been too!!!

  5. I think I saw you in the video! That's awesome!


  6. Wow, thats amazing! Its too bad her co-star was obnoxious! I really wish that I could see Taylor Swift in concert, she is such an amazing singer!


  7. How cool, Olive Tree!!! I'm so happy for you :) I watch the video - and I saw you, several times! I think this is one of my favorite Taylor Swift music videos...1, because you're in it :) and 2, because it's so darn sweet. I was crying during it ;)

  8. That's so cool! You're sooo lucky! Glad you had fun! :)

  9. That's so awesome, Olive! I watched the CMT thing, but I didn't see you, so I'll watch it again and look for you this time. I did see you in the music video and I was like, "That's Olive right there!" lol :D It was pretty cool.


  10. Wow, that is SO AWESOME Olive Tree! Thanks for sharing the photos of Taylor with us! I can't wait to show my sister...she LOVES Taylor Swift!


  11. WOWZER! Jeallllous. I wanna see her live!

    love, makay

  12. That is so cool that you got to be in one of her music videos! She is one of my favourite singers! It sounds sooooo much fun! :)

  13. That is so cool that you got to be in one of her music videos! She is one of my favourite singers! It sounds sooooo much fun! :)

  14. Ohmigoodness, lucky girl! Too awesome! Looks like an awesome time. And it was so exciting to see ya in the video;)

  15. EEEP! Oh my gosh! That is soo cool! I didn't know you were goingt to be in her music video. Ugh you lucky ducky!
    {Bug hugs}

  16. I would love to meet Taylor Swift someday! I love listening to her songs.

  17. I bet you had sooo much fun! What an amazing experience. :) What was your favorite song that Taylor sang there?


  18. When I read this post, I thought the music video might be released on iTunes but it wasn't; But I AM sure that I'm getting Mine music video!

  19. I love your pictures! Wow, you're really lucky! The music video is sweet! I saw you......

  20. How cool is that, Olive tree?! And that guitar -- the soul of awesome-ness.


  21. You are so lucky!

  22. LOOOOVED it, Liv! I hadn'tseen the video yet, so that was great! How exciting and fun! And I hate when my eyes get all red; ugh. Loved the post! <3

  23. OMG!!! You went to an exclusive top-secret Taylor Swift concert/premiere?! That is so unbelievable but I believe you 'cause you have pictures to prove it. He he he :P Gosh, you're so lucky! :)

  24. Oh my goodness that is so cool! I love her!

    I hope you had fun! Looks like you certainly did.

    K xx

  25. Wow, that's awesome! I saw you in the video, too! AWESOME!

  26. You look so excited at your 'resteraunt table' with your 'friends'! :D I like the video.



  27. I saw you in the music video! Great job, Olive Tree!


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