09 October 2010

"These Falling Leaves Remind Me of You"

Wouldn't that make a lovely line in a song or poem?

I'm waiting for my dearest friend Elránia to come in a wee bit, and at the end of the post I'll add her little opinion on autumn.

Today is a day when the air is crisp and clear, and when the leaves are crunchy, and the sky is bright blue, and suicidal acorns come raining down. *sigh* My favorite kind of weather, a tad chilly, perfect for snuggling up with a book or venturing out with a camera. (I did both.)

Today is a day when I am happy to be alive.

I'm loving vintage, too. <3


E l r á n i a ' s   P e r s p e c t i v e

Always at the end of the summer the last thing I want is for Autumn to come around. But this time of year is a beautiful one. It's so lovely to go outside in the forest, when all the leaves have colors of yellow, orange, red, and the occasional green, it puts a smile or peace on my face. And I'm sure Jewel prefers Autumn as well, because the crispness makes it easier for her to breathe. As the cool breeze blows my hair, I feel the true beauty of nature.


  1. Amazing pictures (as always). Your so talented!

  2. Your title would definitely make a great line!

    I've really been loving vintage lately too. In fact, I was just working on a post with some of my "vintage" photographs...how funny that you posted something similar :)

  3. Oh, if only Florida autumns were quite as beautiful! The wonderful thing about it though is that it's just cool enough for you to enjoy it will all your heart.

    Beautiful photos!

  4. LOL te horse will the acorn on its head! =) Great post, interesting.


  5. Hi Olivia, I just came across your blog and it's SO SO nice! Did you design it yourself? I LOVE the template, font, and everything about it:-)

    You take some great pictures as well! I love photography but I'm not very good at it! I recently got a new camera, and it takes some nice shots, so maybe I'll get better at it (eventually!!)


  6. Beatuiful photos! I love the horse one.

  7. Maya'lee, I certainly did! Visit robinblogdesigns.blogspot.com for more. :)

  8. The horse with the acorn cap on its head is absolutely awesome! =)


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