19 April 2011

LIFE // gotham part ii

Why does New York City have so many names? There's like fifty of them. Actually, there's 98. Wow. 98 names. How does anyone keep track of this? If someone says "I'm going to the Frog and Toe" I think what's that, a pub?
Whatever you want to call it, I am no longer there. In fact, I am typing this from my nice comfy bed back in boring old Maine.

Sunday's vlog:

So on Saturday, after we saw War Horse (which was THE most amazing play I have ever seen, I highly recommend it if you have a chance to go), we went home and crashed in the hotel — nothing too exciting. The next morning we went out semi-early (I had to take a shower, then realized there was no conditioner. So I used lotion instead. That's why my hair is so... frizzy) and had breakfast at the Hungarian Pastry Shop (yes, I called it the Hungarian Café in the video, I messed up).

We went to the Palm Sunday service at Saint John the Devine — that is one reallyreallyreally big church, y'all — and then wandered the campuses of Columbia and Barnard. I'm a little bit in love but my hopes aren't towering to get into a college that good. After all that we went to a nice museum exhibit at the Cooper-Hewitt, and strolled through Central Park.
blouse: vintage // skirt: Banana Republic // shoes: Target // glasses: Urban Outfitters // purse: Gap

In the evening, we went to a very neat read-through of a new musical — very cool — at the Guggenheim and finished up with fantastic Middle Eastern food.


Monday, our final day, was a shopping-and-strolling kind of day. We went to several stores — including *squeal* Anthropologie and this crazy hole-in-the-wall vintage store where you got a discount if you knew what the third (?) full moon of spring is called (find out here), which was totally weird and awesome — and I promptly forgot the name of the store. I was proud to only spend $35 while in the Big Apple: $30 for my Anthro blouse (photos soon!) and $5 for a scarf for my friend at the crazy-amazing vintage store. We also traveled the High Line, which is very neat.

boots: Timberland // skirt: Forever 21 // tee: Delia's // bag: Gap // glasses: Urban Outfitters

Anyway. Now I'm back in normal vacation mode (read: vegetable on the couch). Sigh.


  1. Awesome! Looks like you had a BLAST! Likin you're outfits. :)

  2. Great Vlog!! You look amazing as always, I love your outfit!! Especially those sunglasses. And yes, if someone said "I'm going to the Frog and Toe", I'd think it was a pub, too ;) :P
    -Jocee <3

  3. Gosh, now I want to go! I should have taped me in Washington D.C. I'll remember to next time. And I love your iMovie. I've seriously got to ask for the new one for Christmas. I mean, it's so awesome.

    Sorry your vacation had to be over so quick. *sniffle*

  4. the coolest part: Middle Eastern food. It is legit. What did you have?

  5. Amazing vlogs and pictures!!! What did you use to edit/compile your videos?

  6. @Katie: Oh, I ordered falafel, but we shared everything. :)

    @May: iMovie '11.

  7. Nice videos and pictures Olivia! It all looks so facinating! :)

  8. I love your hippy style ! these sunnies are awesome!

    big kiss, Angy


  9. Wow, that looks absolutely amazing! Now, I REALLTY want to visit New York! My dad and my brother went a few years ago, but Mom and I were not able to tag along. :/

    I am glad you had a great time and you looked fabulous in your outfits! ^_^

  10. That looks like an awesome trip away! I love your outfits :)

  11. You are very talented putting together your vlogs! Maybe it's something I should start...just to keep records for myself of course.

    Glad you had a great time! Enjoy the rest of your break :)

    ~Liz B

  12. WOW! Those are some awesome photos!

  13. Hey, I never knew NYC...excuse me, The City of Superlatives...was so...pretty! Thanks for the enlightenment :)

  14. I'm loving your vlogs, girlie--you are so talented! It looks like you had such a fabulous time...I'm totally wanting to go to New York now. Sigh.

  15. Wow, I was just thinking how crazy it is how similar Tokyo, Japan and NYC look. Seriously. Except Tokyo I like ten times bigger.

    Wow, looks like a ton of fun! I love your skirt - Banana Republic is the best!


  16. Woah, an Anthropologie shirt for only $30? Lucky girl :)

  17. You look so groovy Olivia!
    I love these pictures so much :)

  18. wow, gorgeous photos! Looks like you had a spectacular time! Hope you get to go again soon :) My aunt has lived in Manhattan all my life, so I've been blessed to be able to visit often!

  19. This makes me want to go to New York. You're so lucky!

  20. Love the vlogs chica...watching them (and seeing your gorgeous photographs) makes me want to go back to a big city. Paris sounds good right about now... ;)

  21. whoa. take me with you next time pleaseandthankyou. ;)


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