15 September 2010

I am a Shprintze

Thank you for your kind words about Dodge, everyone.

Today the cast list was posted by my drama teacher's door. The whole 48 people who had auditioned were clustered around as she taped it up. I scanned it. Didn't see my name. Looked again. There!

Five down from the top... I followed the dotted line that led to my character's name.


Shprintze is supposed to be about eleven; she is the second-youngest daughter. She doesn't have any special songs, but she has a few lines.


My friend Maya auditioned for Shprinze. I auditioned for Hodel.


It's better than nothing. Most people are lineless villagers in the chorus. It's not what I hoped for, but I'm glad I got cast as a speaking role, at least.


Maybe I can even do *some* hair and makeup, since Shprintze only has one major scene (and about three lines).

How do you pronounce Shprintze?

PS- I changed my profile picture. Do you like it? I hope to get a better one soon.


  1. Oh, I'm sorry you didn't get Hodel, Olive Tree. *sigh* At least, as you pointed out, you have some speaking parts, which is better than none.

    LOVE your new profile picture! Keep it--it's gorgeous!

    Love you!

    Elizabeth Rose

  2. I'm so sorry that you didn't get part as Hodel! But I think Shprintze might be an awesome role, too...I don't think I will ever audition for anything because I'm not brave enough:D

    I LOVE your new profile picture, too. It's really gorgeous..


  3. I'm so sorry that you didn't get part as Hodel! But I think Shprintze might be an awesome role, too...I don't think I will ever audition for anything because I'm not brave enough:D

    I LOVE your new profile picture, too. It's really gorgeous..


  4. Aw, that's a pity! Hodel would've been fun to play. If I could ever audition, I'd go for Chava. Have fun being...how do you say it?? ;)

  5. Even if you didn't get the part you wanted, it's better than nothing.

    Love the new profile picture as well. :)

  6. It's a shame you didn't get Hodel, but I'm sure you'll still have fun with this, dear! In our co-op's little production of Fiddler on the Roof a few years ago I got the part of Sprintze, and it was pretty fun for me, although I was about 11 or so;) I belive it's pronounced Sprin-tzee...or somethin' like that;)

    Love ya!

    Love ya!

  7. Aww. I'm sorry you didn't get the part of Hodel. She's my favorite character in Fiddler On the Roof. That's like one of my fav movies of all time, too! :D Well, you're right. The part of Shprintze is better than nothing. :)

  8. Gesundheit.

    I'm guessing it's pronounced...almost exactly like it looks.

    Poor you! I'll pray that you get to do makeup!

  9. Oh yes, and I LOVE the picture! You eyes look so blue! Is that photoshop?

  10. Your profile picture is stunning! I'm so envious that you're gorgeous. =)

    Sorry you didn't get the part you wanted. Shprinze is an...uh...interesting name.

  11. Whoohoo! You made it! :)
    Next Tues. me and my fiend are going to go audition for "It's A Wnderful Life" and I hope we have your luck!
    Lovely profile picture!

  12. I love your profile pic! Please oh please keep it! And I'm sorry you didn't get the part you wanted. You never know - maybe this part will be the best one you've ever had!

  13. I don't know the story but Shprintze is certainly a cool name! Most drama teachers say that it doesn't matter how big your part, if you do it amazingly. So--I'm sure Shprintze will be everyone's favourite character ;)
    Your new profile picture is pretty. I can never get any decent face shots of myself.

  14. You hope to get a better one soon? This one's so pretty! I think you should keep it.

  15. You say "Shh" like you're shushing somebody, then "Prince".

    Your picture is great already! It expresses who you are well.

  16. Oh wait, scratch that comment, Olive Tree! You don't say "Shh". I had a blankout- it's just "sprince".

  17. NO WAIT! You do say "Shh". Another blankout. Aye carumba.

  18. Oh, I'm sorry you didn't get the part you wanted, Olive Tree...but looking on the bright side, at least you have a speaking part!

    Love your new profile picture :)

  19. BTW your profile picture looks lovely!

  20. Sorry to read you didn't get the part you were hoping for, but like you said, it's better than nothing. You'll be the best Shprinze there ever was! :)

    And I think your new profile pick is great! You look beautiful!!! Your eyes look SO pretty! :)

  21. I think your new profile pic looks a lot like you now. Your hair is curlier than the previous picture.

  22. I'm sorry you didn't get Hodel, Olive Tree, but I think you pronounce it Shuh-prince

  23. Sorry you didn't get the part you wanted. I haven no idea how to pronounce that . . . but it is an interesting name.

    Great new profile picture!

  24. Congrats on getting a speaking role, Olive Tree...how exciting! Hmmm...I've watched 'Fiddler' before but I don't remember how to say Shprintze either! I love the new profile picture btw! =)



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